The following are a variety of Bible Studies for you and your ministry. Please note that some are available as FREE digital downloads.
4-Week Bible Studies
The 4-Week Bible Studies are included in each issue of Faith & Fellowship magazine, diving deeper into the theme of each issue. Each study includes four lessons, Scripture reading, discussion questions, along with a video lesson for each week. These are FREE studies that you can download and use as a small group, Sunday School class, or family devotional.

Small Group Series
This series started out as printed booklets for use as an individual or a small group. They are now also available as digital studies with updated design and layout for you to be able to print for your group on letter-size paper or use digitally on a device. A NEW STUDY by Dr. Daniel Berge on Galatians is also available!

Other Bible Studies
There are many other studies on topics of Christian life, CLB theology, leaving a legacy, stewardship, and more. We plan to take steps to digitize these studies, as well. For now, they are available to order in print.